November's Featured Detective Is...
Thanks to the brilliant detectives who wrote into Holmes with their theories on the case, he was able to successfully solve “The Phantom Highwaymen”. Many of you expertly deciphered the treachery of the coach carpenter, the carriage’s trap door, and the ghoulish illusion that allowed him to activate it. But one detective provided Holmes with particularly accurate, timely, and detailed assistance. That sleuth is our November Featured Detective, Detective Williams of Charlottesville, Virginia. Detective Williams caught on to the ruse immediately, and expertly deconstructed for Holmes how the carriage robberies were carried out, and who perpetrated it.
We’re pleased to welcome Detective Williams into the Order of Right and Honorable Detectives, and will be sending a prize to their residence in Virginia to celebrate this triumph.
Want to win next month’s? Submit your answer here (You can submit more than once if your theory of the case changes), and don’t forget to renew your membership to keep the mysteries coming.
Keep solving.
- The Dear Holmes team