Introducing Your Latest Featured Detective...


The Featured Detective Program

Each mystery, dozens of detectives send in letters with questions, theories, new evidence, and solutions. After each mystery, we reward the detective who sends in the best solution with a special prize and recognition as our “Featured Detective”.

Thank you to the detectives who assisted Watson and Holmes in solving the Mystery of the Cambridge Codes last month. Once again, we received an incredible array of unique solutions. We enjoyed seeing creative letterheads, detective’s agency names, and paper choices. The most unusual response we received was a letter written entirely in code.

After evaluating the solutions we received for timeliness, writing, & completeness, we’re happy to announce our latest Featured Detective: Tanya H., of Brooklyn, New York. In a handwritten and timely letter, Tanya correctly decrypted the mystery’s codes, and saw those codes for the ploy they were, correctly identifying why they’d been deployed (and for whom), and confirming the innocence of professor Dunbarton. A special prize will soon be headed Tanya’s way.

Honorable mention goes to Detective Laurel B. of Sunnyvale, California, who sent us timely letters solving each of the codes in the mystery. (She also used one of the nicest stationeries we’ve seen).

Stay tuned to our Facebook and Twitter pages for the announcement of some cool prizes coming soon.

Want to win next month’s Featured Detective competition? Send in your solution by mail to 1101 14th St Nw, Suite 910, Washington, DC 20005, or online (less fun, of course).

Keep solving.

- Michael & The Dear Holmes team

P.S. Don’t forget to renew your membership to keep the mysteries coming.