Introducing Your New Featured Detective

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Each mystery, dozens of detectives send in letters with questions, theories, new evidence, and solutions. After each mystery, we reward the detective who sends in the best solution with a special prize and recognition as our “Featured Detective”.

As usual, thank you to everyone who took the time to mail in or digitally submit their theories on “The Case of The Sporting Spiritualist”. We actually received so many great entries this month that we had to postpone the announcement of a winner to find time to properly evaluate them all.

As usual, your entries included a wide variety of interesting theories. Some detectives believed that the gambling tips truly were the work of a spirit, while others believed that Robert’s own father was in on the con. Others thought Mr. Whitby had a direct role in rigging the events that he had predicted, while others layed out theories of a grand Ponzi scheme that would place Mr. Whitby in the financial fraud record books.

After much evaluation and deliberation, we’re pleased to announce that this mystery’s Featured Detective is Detective Stephen B., from Florida. In his theory of the case, Detective Stephen correctly identified that Mr. Whitby was playing a statistical game and sending out hundreds of letters in an effort to appear a predictive guru. By virtue of the sheer amount of letters he was sending out, Mr. Whitby was guaranteeing himself at least a few contacts who view his predictions as always correct.

Detective Stephen not only correctly identified the mathematical volume of letters required for Mr. Whitby to succeed. In his detailed, timely, and well-written solution letter, he also identified that the latest attempt to extort money from Robert’s father was likely the last contact that Robert’s father would receive.

Well done, Stephen. A prize will be on its way shortly.

Want to win next month’s Featured Detective competition? Send in your solution by mail to 1101 14th St Nw, Suite 910, Washington, DC 20005, or online (less fun, of course).

Keep solving.

- Mason & The Dear Holmes team

P.S. Don’t forget to renew your membership to keep the mysteries coming.

Mason Thibault