Please Rise to Recognise Our Next Featured Detective

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The Dear Holmes “Featured Detective” Program honors one detective per mystery for their clever and well-thought-out solution to the mystery. To learn how to send in your solution, visit

First and foremost, thank you to all those who submitted their theories on The Wheels of Commerce and happy holidays. We received a variety of interesting and original submissions this month, with some detectives teaming up to reach a solution, and others checking in with their thoughts multiple times throughout the month.

Though finding the solution was difficult this time around, almost all of our entries agreed on one thing: there was something suspicious about the potential investment scheme presented in the mystery. Some detectives were convinced that the dubious horse-buses were being used to transport illicit goods, while others speculated that Cass himself was the orchestrator of the misdeed. Nevertheless, it was clear that something was awry with Houston’s offer.

After carefully reviewing all the entries, we’re delighted to name Detective James S., from Mountain View, California, as this mystery’s Featured Detective. 

Detective James’s thoughtful letter correctly identifies key elements of the mystery and its solution and provides a thorough analysis of the case.

Kudos to James — a reward will soon be on its way!

Want to be next month’s Featured Detective? Send us your solution by mail to 1101 14th St NW, Suite 910, Washington DC 20005, or online at