A Letter on Coronavirus
Dear detectives,
I’m not going to flood your email inbox with another company statement on what we’re doing about the Coronavirus, but for all who want to know from us how it will affect their letters, I wanted to make some information available on our blog.
For now, our plans are to continue business as usual, taking appropriate health and safety precautions in our office and keeping more materials in stock than usual to guard against supply disruptions.
If supply disruptions, a pause in postal service, a temporary shutdown of the City of Washington, DC, or a serious health emergency make it impossible for us to continue to send your letters, we will announce a pause until either our supplier, our city, or the postal system is back up and running. In the mean-time, we’ll continue to work to hone our mysteries and build an immersive experience around them. Once we can safely and reliably restart operations, we will resume mailing as quickly as we can.
If the Coronavirus has made it inopportune for you to receive mail right now, please reach out to our support team and we will pause your membership until you’re ready to receive letters again. Letters already in the mailing process will still go out.
I don’t know what the future holds for this outbreak, but I do know that now, more than ever, people need compelling experiences that they can enjoy from home, and use as an escape from the digital vortex of frightening news. As long as we can safely provide that service, we will continue to do so.
Sincerely yours,
Michael Sitver
Founder - Dear Holmes