Your Newest Featured Detective Is...
As usual, thank you to the many detectives that mailed in or otherwise submitted their theories on “The Problem of the Princess’s Necklace”. We set a record for submissions this month, and received a variety of creative letterheads, drawings, and theories of the case from detectives around the world. We actually received so many entries this month that we had to delay the announcement of a winner to find time to properly evaluate them all.
Your entries included a wide variety of interesting theories, ranging from affairs of passion to affairs of state. Some detectives thought no crime had occured at all, and that the necklace had fallen off of Mrs. Teslow, or been forgotten in a drawer. Others suspected international conspiracies meant to shake up various foreign relationships.
After evaluating all of your solutions, we’re pleased to announce that this mystery’s Featured Detective is Lynn D., from Maryland. In her theory of the case, Detective Lynn correctly identified the culprits of the necklace theft, as well as identifying their motive, and how they managed to make a necklace disappear from within a locked safe. Detective Lynn’s letter was creative and well-written, and presented in a handwritten font for some additional flair. Congratulations to Detective Lynn. A prize will be on the way shortly.
Stay tuned to our Facebook and Twitter pages for the announcement of some cool prizes coming soon.
Want to win next month’s Featured Detective competition? Send in your solution by mail to 1101 14th St Nw, Suite 910, Washington, DC 20005, or online (less fun, of course).
Keep solving.
- Michael & The Dear Holmes team
P.S. Don’t forget to renew your membership to keep the mysteries coming.