Dear Holmes

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Swindle a Swindler? No Problem for Our New Featured Detective

The Dear Holmes “Featured Detective” Program honors one detective per mystery for their clever and well-thought-out solution to the case. To learn how to send in your own solution, visit

Esteemed Investigators,

Earlier this fall, we received a plea for assistance from one desperate member of Her Majesty’s Privy Council, Lord Reginald Crumblin. As per Lord Crumblin, several members of his special committee, comprising politicians from across the Privy Council, seemed to be facing security threats. More than one attempted robbery and a home burglary later, it became clear that the crimes indeed revolved around Lord Crumblin’s committee, but the extent of this case’s treasonous twist was not easy to uncover.

Even still, we received numerous superb hypotheses concerning the High Society Swindle, and having carefully reviewed them all, we are now glad to announce our latest Featured Detective!

Early theories were already looking inwards, towards Lord Crumblin’s committee, however, most investigators were convinced that the notorious blond assailant was a colleague-in-disguise. Many sleuths speculated that the ‘blond’ man was indeed wearing a wig, with some conjecturing that the he was actually a set of twins, one of whom was Lord Sheridan’s butler, Hamish Cook. On the other hand, some theories successfully identified Lord Fernsby as a mastermind, but failed to see his connection to this mysterious blond man.

Detective Richard G. of Pittsburgh, PA, sharply identified Lord August Fernsby as the true villain of this case while noting the fact that he employed Mr. Grogan, the blond man, to ultimately leave Crumblin’s committee in a state of disarray. Detective Richard submitted his methodical analysis swiftly, highlighting every shred of evidence pointing to Lord Fernsby’s guilt, and denouncing several of the scoundrel’s fumbles along the way. (Although, special kudos to Detective Don B. this time too, for an incisive submission featuring playful pronunciation guidelines.)

We look forward to enjoying more impressive entries this winter! It’s no mystery that the pool of Featured Detective submissions grows more competitive with every case we solve, and we appreciate everyone’s dedication to sleuthing.

The Dear Holmes Team congratulates Detective Richard G. for a marvelous solution – a special reward will soon be arriving at your doorstep!

Want to be next month’s Featured Detective? Mail your solution to 1101 14th St NW, Suite 910, Washington DC 20005, or submit online at