Our New Featured Detective Went for the Gold!

The Dear Holmes “Featured Detective” Program honors one detective per mystery for their clever and well-thought-out solution to the case. To learn how to send in your own solution, visit Dearholmes.com/solve.

Dearest Detectives,

We thank you for so dutifully helping Holmes and his client, Mr. Sebastian Parsons, with the recent case, Something for the Weekend. Mr. Parsons had much reason to fear uneven footing, but without the work of our corresponding detectives, we would’ve never uncovered the intricacies of Lord Cruikshank’s scheme so quickly.

Mr. Parson’s first letter established that Cruikshank’s athletic skills only seemed to surpass him in competition, rather than training, though the reason for this was unclear. Early investigators speculated that Cruikshank might simply be a better cyclist, however, once Mr. Parson began to share further details, it became evident that his rival was pursuing a much more calculated course of action— But what was Lord Cruikshank’s mysterious edge?

Some of our detectives considered the possibility of a secretly-electric bicycle, or the notion of a shortcut involving St. Peregrine’s fabulous ice house; others speculated that Lord Cruikshank’s driver might have been helping him swap bicycles mid-race. These theories were certainly plausible, but as the case progressed, Mr. Parson’s didn’t seem to be finding any substantial evidence in their support. Many investigators then began to note that Cruikshank’s curious choice of low-cost barber, Mr. Garnet, was worthy of examination. And indeed, it was.

Even still, the majority of sleuths were just a tad off the mark — some detectives concluded that Cruikshank was purchasing smelling salts, or some sort of pharmaceutical supplement from Garnet. A few investigators posited that Garnet might be helping disguise Cruikshank’s doppelganger, who many believed to be Monsieur Nicolet. Our sharpest sleuths surmised that Garnet’s affinity for William Harvey was telling, but only one entry truly saw through the whole of Cruikshank’s bloody scheme.

Detective John H. of San Diego, CA, our newest Featured Detective, not only surmised that Garnet and Cruikshank were somehow in cahoots, but also correctly identified the relevance of Garnet’s bloodletting practice.

Detective John succinctly highlighted the key evidence pointing to a relationship between Cruikshank and Garnet. He also went further and noted the fact that Garnet or Cruikshank must have developed a way to properly store blood, so as to ultimately reintroduce it to Cruikshank’s body— and ensure a convenient “burst of energy”— before important races. Detective John’s concise and expeditious response would have helped Parsons expose his rival’s deception well ahead of the Olympic trials.

A special congratulations from the Dear Holmes Team to Detective John H., for a mystery well solved – a special reward will soon be arriving at your doorstep!

Want to be next month’s Featured Detective? Mail your solution to 1101 14th St NW, Suite 910, Washington DC 20005, or submit online at Dearholmes.com/solve.