Say "Welcome" to Welcome Letters

Dear detectives,

It’s no secret that Dear Holmes members love mysteries, and that we love providing them, but some things shouldn’t be mysteries. For example, “What is Dear Holmes?”, “How do I solve a Dear Holmes mystery?”, and “How do I enter the Featured Detective competition?”

These and other frequent questions from new members have led us to realize that many new detectives would benefit from an explanatory “welcome letter,” so this month we’re rolling one out.

Starting within the next few weeks, all new members (who haven’t yet received a mystery) will receive a welcome letter in the mail before their mysteries begin. Existing members will not receive this letter, but if you’re an active member with lingering questions, our support team is here to answer your questions. Don’t hesitate to reach out.

Happy spring (and keep solving),

Michael & the Dear Holmes team

Michael Sitver